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Pix Sharer

4.4 ( 9664 ratings )
ユーティリティ 写真/ビデオ
開発者 Jessica Tunnicliffe
4.99 USD

Pix Sharer is specifically created to manage photos.

There are 19 functions.

Camera - Photos can be taken using any of the three functions. The app works as a normal camera, as well as having two special features. The automatic function takes the photo every three seconds. The timed function automatically takes the photo after five seconds, so you can snap pictures with your whole family or friends. You can repeatedly take photos until the Done button is pressed.

Camera+Effects - Take a photo using the camera or select one from the photo album. You can also crop the photo. There are 47 effects - Adaptive Threshold, Binary Pattern, Box Blur, Brightness, Bulge, Canny Edge Detection, CGA Color Space, Color Invert, Contrast, Crosshatch, Emboss, Exposure, False Color, Glass Sphere, Grayscale, Half Tone, Haze, Hue, Laplacian, Luminance Thresh, Monochrome, Motion Blur, Pinch Distort, Pixellate, Polar Pixellate, Polka Dot, Posterize, Prewitt Edge, RGB Dilation, RGB Erosion, Sepia, Sharpen, Sketch, Sobel Edge Detection, Sphere Refraction, Stretch Distortion, Swirl, Threshold Sketch, Tilt Shift, Tone Curve, Toon, Transform 2D, Transform 3D, Vignette, XY Derivative, Zoom Blur.

Video - Take video.

Watch Video - Choose a video to watch.

Choose Photos - Choose multiple photos from the photo album or camera roll. Selected photos can be viewed here or used in the carousel, slideshow, photo effects, filter effects, email, facebook, twitter, puzzle, or printed.

Display Photos - View selected photos.

Filter Effects - Add filter effects to selected photos. Select from 32 filters - Bloom, Bump Distortion, Bump Distortion Linear, Color Control, Color Invert, Color Matrix, Color Monochrome, Color Posterize, Comic Effect, Exposure Adjust, Gamma Adjust, Glass Distortion, Gloom, Hexagonal Pixellate, Highlight Shadow Adjust, Hue Adjust, Photo Effect Chrome, Photo Effect Fade, Photo Effect Instant, Photo Effect Mono, Photo Effect Noir, Photo Effect Process, Photo Effect Tonal, Photo Effect Transfer, Pixellate, Sepia Tone, Sharpen Luminance, Twirl Distortion, Unsharp Mask, Vibrance, Vignette, Zoom Blur.

Photo Effects - Add effects to selected photos. Select from 47 effects - Adaptive Threshold, Binary Pattern, Box Blur, Brightness, Bulge, Canny Edge Detection, CGA Color Space, Color Invert, Contrast, Emboss, Exposure, Glass Sphere, Grayscale, Half Tone, Haze, Hue, Laplacian, Monochrome, Pinch Distort, Pixellate, Polar Pixellate, Polka Dot, Prewitt Edge, RGB Dilation, RGB Erosion, Sepia, Sharpen, Sketch, Sobel Edge Detection, Sphere Refraction, Stretch Distortion, Swirl, Threshold Sketch, Tilt Shift, Tone Curve, Toon, Transform 2D, Transform 3D, Vignette, XY Derivative.

Photo Editor - Add stickers, emoticons, text, crop, filters, rotation, etc.

Carousel - Display selected photos in a carousel. There are two modes - manual or automatic and 12 carousel styles - Linear, Rotary, Inverted Rotary, Cylinder, Inverted Cylinder, Wheel, Inverted Wheel, Coverflow, Coverflow 2, Time Machine, Inverted Time Machine, Custom. You can run the carousel in horizontal or vertical mode with wrap-on or wrap-off. Music can be added from the music library. The music will play when the carousel is running.

Slideshow - There are 9 slideshow modes - Camera, Cube, Fade, Flip, Reveal, Ripple, Rotate, Slide, Vacuum. Music can be added from the music library. The music will play when the slideshow is running. Stop the slideshow by simply touching the screen.

Email - Email selected photos.

Facebook - Post and/or upload photos.

Twitter - Post and/or upload photo.

Print - Print selected photos with the option to select the number of copies.

Photo Gallery - Display selected photos in the photo gallery.

Photo Puzzle - Selected photo will be used in a 3x3, 4x4 or 5x5 puzzle.

PDF - Selected photos will be displayed in a PDF file.

Play Music - Select a temporary playlist from the music library to play.